Many times, when people talk or present — especially when the stakes are high or the audience is tough — they struggle to be their natural, conversational selves. They needlessly worry that who they are is not enough. The truth is, people can sense when you're being real — and when you're not. Showing up as yourself is the single best way to convey credibility and trustworthiness. Here are a few tips to help you "get real" when communicating with others.
When you’re talking to colleagues and customers, what does YOUR word cloud look like? Too often, clouds are filled with crutch words like, “ums” and “ahs” and “you knows.” The good news? People can change the shape of their word clouds using an underrated, yet powerful, communication skill: the ability to say nothing at all. Using the “power of the pause” will make you a more effective communicator. Read on to learn more.