Ann Landers’ advice still holds: “Don’t accept your dog’s admiration as conclusive evidence that you are wonderful.” Imagine it’s the night before your big presentation. You need feedback, but it sounds like your dog is off the list. Where do you go next? Self-assess. Hmm, research shows that may not be the best idea. Read the blog to find out why and learn about a new mobile app that is fast becoming a presenter's best friend.
"Too little time" is the number one concern customers raise when it comes to training. Organizations fear that pulling employees away from their jobs, even for a day or two, will negatively impact productivity and performance. To mitigate this perceived risk some opt to drastically shorten training or, worse, skip it altogether. But cutting corners on the one skill every single employee uses every day could cost you in ways you hadn't imagined. Read the blog to learn why and what you can do about it.
You’ve no doubt felt the impact of poor communication at some point in your life. What’s less clear is just how much poor communication costs. Specifically, how much does it cost the typical business? According to this first-of-its-kind 2017 report on workplace productivity, the price may shock you. Find out what it is and why getting specific is critical to making the case for training investment.
My experience, first as a client of Mandel's who received Train-the-Trainer Certification and now as Mandel’s own senior director of global training services, gives me a unique perspective on why “trainer training” in communication skills can be so powerful. Here are the top 3 benefits I believe companies gain when their own trainers get certified to deliver communication skills training.
Clients often ask, “What’s the best metric for measuring training?” It can be difficult to tie communication skills training directly to cost savings or performance gains. Difficult, but not impossible. You just have to use the right metric. And, that means taking an honest look at how much of your training is going to waste.